Which touring boots fit which touring binding?

Which touring boots fit which touring binding?

TÜV certifications ensure that ski boots and bindings are compatible with each other.

Alpine boots according to ISO 5355 (please note that there is Type A = adults and Type C = children) work perfectly with bindings according to DIN ISO 9462. Touring ski boots must meet ISO 9523 in order to be suitable for bindings according to ISO 13992. In addition to touring and alpine ski boots, there are also GripWalk boots, which in future will meet their own ISO standard. There are bindings that fit all these ski boot types (Tour, Alpine and GripWalk), including Marker bindings with height-adjustable glide plate (Sole.ID). To make sure that a binding works perfectly with the your boot, it is essential to consult your dealer.

Tourenschuhe Tourenbindung Kompatibilität

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