Touring skis – characteristics and technical features
Touring skis characteristics and technical features Compared to alpine skis, touring skis are designed to weigh significantly less. After all, the foot pushes the ski uphill for most of the
You want to go on a ski tour? Good choice! Here you will find the most important information on how to start as quickly and safely as possible.
What you need
Touring skis characteristics and technical features Compared to alpine skis, touring skis are designed to weigh significantly less. After all, the foot pushes the ski uphill for most of the
Frame bindings are considered a classic among ski touring bindings. They are similar to alpine bindings and have the usual toe and heel parts, which you step in as usual.
Nothing is impossible, assuming that the alpine ski boot fits the touring binding (this only works with so-called frame bindings). However, the minimal shaft mobility quickly causes blisters and pressure
touring ski This question depends first of all on your preferred way of ski touring. In general, the more important a fast and easy ascent is for you, the lighter
Sicher auf Tour der Helm Wearing a ski helmet on prepared slopes is now self-evident. On ski tours more and more people also choose to wear head protection. But the
touring ski Absolutely! In the last few years a lot has happened and our touring skis work very well on the slopes. Although you should adjust your speed in icy
Ski touring how climbing skins work Climbing skins prevent slipping back during the ascent. They consist of a synthetic carrier material, which carries extremely short shorn hair fibers on one
Ski touring boots properties and features The main characteristics of an alpine ski boot also applys to touring ski boots. These include the stiff outer shell, closure systems, an adjustable
A: On-piste ski touring Meanwhile, many ski resorts offer advertised on-piste ski tours. If the ascent takes place on the secured piste area, the avalanche emergency equipment (see ski tours
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