Ski tour – how to master kick turns

Ski tour – how to master kick turns

Kick turns are an inseparable part of ski touring. They describe an almost 180° change of direction, which is used whenever it gets steeper than 30°. If you do not know how to do this properly, the kick turn can quickly become a real challenge, especially in steep and exposed terrain.

Practice, practice, practice is the only thing that helps. To get an idea of the sequence of movements, you should watch videos and watch experienced ski tourers doing the kick turn. A few tips and tricks will help you make faster progress: The starting position is a safe stand with parallel ski position and ski poles slightly to the side on a slope that is not too steep. (Illustration or video). If there is a track, you should not start the kick turn too early. This means that you should not put the mountain ski into the new direction too early, otherwise it will be much harder to get around the turn. Simply walk in the track until the track of the new walking direction is approximately at the rear edge of the ski boot. Start with the upper ski on the mountain side followed by the ski in the lower position and move them in the new walking direction. As a preliminary exercise, simply stand on one leg in flatter terrain, keep your balance and then slowly try the individual steps of the kick turn. In the beginning it can help to put the ski on the upper edge of the ski boot and use it as a guide. This also makes the turn easier if the tip or tail of the ski accidentally tips over. Well-positioned touring ski poles provide enormous stability and safety (these can of course be moved as desired).

Skitouren Spitzkehren-Skitour-so klappt's mit der Spitzkehre
Gut positionierte Tourenskistöcke geben enorme Stabilität und Sicherheit

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