Gear Guide
Touring skins – how to remove them in strong winds
Touring skins how to remove them in strong winds To stow away the climbing skins safely at the summit even in strong winds, it is recommended to pay attention to
Climbing skins prevent slipping back during the ascent. They consist of a synthetic carrier material, which carries extremely short shorn hair fibers on one side.
Touring skins how to remove them in strong winds To stow away the climbing skins safely at the summit even in strong winds, it is recommended to pay attention to
Ski touring skins tips for maintenance Touring skins get wet or damp, so they must be hung up at room temperature and dried after each use. Ideally, a film is
Ski touring skins what to do with sticky snow? Moisture causes snow to stick to the base of the climbing skin. It is therefore essential to avoid “wetting” the skin