Crampons – when are they essential?


when are they essential?

Ski crampons are especially useful for ski tours in spring, when the snow cover is usually still frozen in the morning. But also in winter, when the surface is wind-pressed, crampons are regularly necessary.

Tourenski - im Aufstieg möglichst einfach in der Handhabung
Das Konzept der Tourenski berücksichtigt natürlich auch, dass sie im Aufstieg möglichst einfach in der Handhabung und sicher beim Gehen sind.

When planning a ski tour, you should therefore ask yourself whether passages with very hard snow conditions have to be passed. During the tour, if necessary, mount the crampons early enough, because in hard and icy conditions a harmless sliding can quickly cause a fall. Therefore, observe the terrain carefully in order to spot potential dangerous areas early and to mount the crampons in the flat. An important rule is: Better to install the crampons once too often than to risk problems due to laziness.

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